"Living New Adult Bible Study" (Please note: Class will not meet on September 25, and October 2. Class resumes on Sunday, October 9, 6pm)
New Believers Class at NLC, starting Sunday Night, September 18, 6pm in the downstairs Adult Ed classroom. Teacher and facilitator will be Warren Kalkstine. All new believers, and believers that need a refresher course on fundamental beliefs and practices of the Christian faith are sincerely encouraged to attend. This course will run each Sunday evening while the regular Sunday PM Service is being held in the upstairs sanctuary. Length of course is nine weeks, concluding on November 13. Text books entitled, "Bible Foundations" will be available for each student. Please sign up for this class by returning an email to this address or by calling the church office (978-373-1379) stating that you are interested in participating.
Mentors are needed to help disciple each new believer. If you are interested in being a mentor, please respond via email to Pastor Rick. Further information is forthcoming.