"The Brightest Night"
Sunday December 17, 2107
Special Christmas Presentation directed by Staie Amendola-Johnson
Featuring the "Kids from NLC" singing, dancing, and telling the story; and special songs by NLC adults!
One service only, 10:45am!
Make plans now to attend and to bring a friend or loved one that needs to hear The Story in a different way!
"The Brightest Night"
Sunday December 17, 10:45am
"That night, in a field near Bethlehem,
there were shepherds watching over their flocks.
Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared
in radiant splendor before them,
lighting up the field
with the blazing glory of God,
and the shepherds were terrified!
But the angel reassured them, saying,
'Don’t be afraid.
For I have come to bring you good news,
the most joyous news the world has ever heard!
And it is for everyone everywhere!
For today in Bethlehem a rescuer was born for you.
He is the Lord Yahweh, the Messiah.'"
Luke 2:8-14