National Day of Prayer
Thursday May 3, 2018
Haverhill City Hall Steps 4:30-5pm
(outside-across from Public Library)
Haverhill Citizen's Center 5-7pm
(inside-rear corner of GAR Park, 10 Welcome St)
All Christians encouraged to attend anytime during the allotted time (4:30-7pm)
Sponsored by Common Ground Ministries
and supported by numerous Christian Churches in Haverhill.
Can YOU come and pray?
Will YOU rearange your schedule to allow yourself to be there?
Do YOU realize the great need for united prayer within the Body of Christ in this difficult hour?
National Day of Prayer is a united effort of Christian Churches
across America that share in the burden of seeking God's help for our communities, our nation, and the world.
Looking forward to seeing YOU at this years'
National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 3
in downtown Haverhill.
Call NLC for further information, 978-373-1379.