Saturday, March 7 Grand Opening of LEAVING THE STREETS MINISTRY, 117 Lafayette Square, Haverhill, 6-8pm. Dignitaries, local supporters and volunteers will be there. Congrat’s to New Life’s Jesus and Wanda Ruiz, Directors of LTS!
Friday, March 13 Sisterhood Meeting, Dulce Cortese speaking, 7pm (nursery care provided). Contact Stacie Amendola-Johnson.
Saturday, March 14 Brotherhood Breakfast, 8am , Wayne Zanchi speaking. Contact Wayne Zanchi.
Sunday, March 29 guest speaker 9 and 10:45am Services: Gary Richardson, Chief Ministry Officer-Gideon’s International.
5 Sunday Nights in March, 6pm: (1st) Prayer, (2nd) Worship, (3rd) Pizza With The Pastor, (4) Seniors Fellowship Dinner (5-7pm), (5th) Testimony Night.